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Jumat, 27 Januari 2012

Ezio Auditore da Firenz part 1

―Ezio Auditore da Firenze on his role as "the Prophet"[src]
Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Char ezio.png
Biographical information
June 24, 1459[1]
1524 (aged 65)[2]
Florence, Italy
Time period
Political information
Real-world information
Appears in
Voice actor
Ezio Auditore da Firenze (1459–1524) was a Florentinenobleman during the Italian Renaissance and, unbeknownst to most historians and philosophers, a Mentor and leader of theItalian Assassins. He was an ancestor to both Desmond Milesand Clay Kaczmarek.
A member of the House of Auditore, Ezio remained unaware of his Assassin heritage until the age of 17, when his father and two brothers, Federico and Petruccio, were hanged before his eyes. Forced to flee his birthplace with his remaining family, Ezio took refuge in the Tuscan town of Monteriggioni, at the Villa Auditore. Learning of his heritage from his uncle, Mario Auditore, Ezio began his Assassin training and his quest for vengeance against the Grand Master of the Templar OrderRodrigo Borgia, who had ordered the execution of his father and two brothers.
During his quest, Ezio managed to not only unite the pages of theCodex of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, the Mentor of the Levantine Assassins, for the first time since Domenico Auditore, but also saved the cities of Florence, Venice, and Rome from theTemplars' control. He ensured the future travels of Christoffa Corombo to the "New World," liberated Rome from Borgia control, and prevented the rise to power of Ercole Massimo's Cult of Hermes, helping spread the Renaissance and Assassin ideals of independence and free thought throughout Italy.
In the years that followed, Ezio began a quest to rediscover the lost history of the Order. Traveling to the aged fortress of Masyafin order to learn more about his ancestors, he discovered the fortress overrun with Templars and made his way to the city ofConstantinople to uncover the location of the Masyaf Keys which, as he discovered, would unlock a powerful weapon when brought together.
More than a decade later, Ezio was living in a Tuscan villa with his wife Sofia Sartor and his two children, Marcello and Flavia. Some time after helping teach the Chinese Assassin Shao Junthe ways of the order, Ezio died of a heart attack at the age of 65 when he accompanied his wife and daughter in Florence.




    Early lifeEdit

    Maria: "Our son is watching."
    Giovanni: "I know."
    Maria: "You should talk to him."
    Giovanni: "I will."
    Maria Auditore and her husband discuss Ezio's rising curiosity[src]
    Ezio, moments after birth.
    ZwooooooshAdded by Zwoooooosh
    Ezio Auditore da Firenze was born in Florence on June 24, 1459, as the second son of Giovanniand Maria Auditore. He appeared to be stillborn, but, after some words of encouragement from his father, began to cry, leading his father to call him "a fighter". Until the age of 17, Ezio lived a life of luxury amidst the members of the Florentine noble class, unaware of his father's allegiance to the Assassin Order. As a youth he was apprenticed to the great banker Giovanni Tornabuoni, presumably to learn the banking trade and become the leader of the Auditore bank in the future.[1][3]
    Ezio obtaining the scar on his lip.
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    In the year 1476, Ezio, his older brother Federico Auditore da Firenze, and friends of the family fought with Vieri de' Pazzi and his gang. Ezio pummeled several members of the opposing gang, but Vieri managed to flee the scene before Ezio could do anything to him. Just before the fight, Ezio received a gash on his lip – caused by Vieri throwing a stone – for which Federico suggested that they visit the local doctor. After looting several people left unconscious by the fight, the two brothers ran across the rooftops to find Ezio some medical help.
    After the doctor tended to his wound, a church nearby caught the eye of the brothers, and Federico suggested a race. Ezio won, as he had reached the top quickest, and together the two looked out over the city. Realizing that he was nearby, Ezio traveled to the home of Cristina Vespucci and spent the night with her. Though caught by Cristina's father the morning after, Ezio fled from a group of pursuingguards before meeting with his own father at the Palazzo Auditore. Giovanni scolded him but later softened, admitting that his son's actions reminded him of his own youth, before asking Ezio for his assistance later.
    Ezio's initial meeting with Leonardo da Vinci.
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    Once he had returned home, Ezio's little brother Petruccio asked him if he could collect eagle feathers from the rooftops, with the promise to return to bed, as he was ill. After a tiring search for feathers – about which Petruccio was secretive – Ezio found his sister Claudia in a distraught state, crying on a bench in their home after discovering her boyfriend, Duccio, had been unfaithful. After obtaining his whereabouts, Ezio tracked down and beat Duccio before warning him to stay away from his sister. Upon returning to the palazzo once more, Ezio's mother secured his services in picking up some paintings from a young artist that she patronized, Leonardo da Vinci. On the walk home, Leonardo struck up a conversation, beginning a friendship between the two young men that would last throughout their later lives.[1]

    Auditore executionEdit

    "I'll kill you for what you've done!"
    ―Ezio Auditore to Uberto Alberti after watching his family's execution in 1476.[src]
    Ezio uncovering his fathers' robes and weapons.
    Vatsa1708Added by Vatsa1708
    After finishing the errand for his mother, Giovanni requested that Ezio deliver two letters to contacts of his in the city before retrieving a third letter from a pigeon coop not far from the house. Ezio agreed, and after two odd encounters with the people he'd delivered the letters to, Ezio retrieved the note from the pigeon coop only to witness guards running across Florence. Ezio returned home to find his home ransacked, his father and brothers missing and his mother and sister hiding. Learning that city guards had been ordered to arrest Giovanni and all of his sons, Ezio made his way to the Palazzo della Signoria, where his father and brothers were being held. Climbing the building and speaking to his father through his cell window, Ezio was instructed to find a chest hidden in his office, take everything out of it, and deliver a sealed letter to Uberto Alberti, Gonfaloniere of Florence and a close friend of the Auditore family. Doing so, Ezio found his father's Assassin robes, Hidden Blade, and the letter containing details of a plot against the city of Florence and the Auditore family. Ezio brought the incriminating documents to Alberti and was assured that his family would be released the following day, when the information was presented as evidence of their innocence.[1] Ezio then traveled to the home of Cristina Vespucci, where he spent the night once again.[4]
    Ezio restrained by guards at the execution.
    Vatsa1708Added by Vatsa1708
    The next day, Ezio returned to the Piazza della Signoria to find Alberti presiding over the execution of the Auditores. Giovanni protested his innocence, citing the information given to Alberti as evidence, but Uberto denied any knowledge of such information. Ezio shouted that Alberti was indeed lying, but his efforts to prevent the execution were ultimately in vain. He could only watch helplessly as his father and brothers were hanged. When he attempted to charge the scaffold to avenge his kin, Alberti ordered the city guards to kill him. At the urging of one of Giovanni's friends, a thief, Ezio fled the Piazza della Signoria and sought shelter in a brothel, run by the sister of the Auditore housemaid, a courtesan named Paola.[1]

    Exacting revengeEdit

    "The Auditore are not dead! I'm still here! Me! Ezio! Ezio Auditore!"
    ―Ezio Auditore, upon killing Uberto.[src]
    Paola, who – unbeknownst to Ezio – was an Assassin herself, agreed to assist Ezio in his quest for vengeance, teaching him how to survive in the city as an outlaw through pickpocketing and blending in crowds. She further directed Ezio to Leonardo da Vinci to repair the Hidden Blade of the late Giovanni Auditore, but she did not notice that Ezio was being watched. After Leonardo repaired the Hidden Blade, a guard banged on the door and ordered Leonardo outside before trying to beat Ezio's location from him. Ezio realized something was wrong and crept up behind the guard, assassinating him.
    Ezio furiously stabbing Uberto Alberti.
    ThiefACAdded by ThiefAC
    After Leonardo had thanked him, Ezio sought out and assassinated Alberti in the courtyard of the Basilica di Santa Croce, who was attending Andrea del Verrocchio's latest exhibit. Once he had made his way into the courtyard, Ezio attacked Uberto in a frenzied rage, stabbing him multiple times in the chest, before proudly proclaiming to the guests attending the exhibit of the survival of the Auditore family, through him.[1] After killing Uberto Alberti, Ezio took the documents that the Gonfaloniere had concealed from him and his father. From amongst the body, Ezio also took a letter from Alberti that was supposed to be for his wife and son, and decided he would see to it that she got the letter, not wanting to sink to Uberto's level.

    Early years as an AssassinEdit

    Finding out his heritageEdit

    "All this talk of Assassins and reeks of fantasy."
    ―Ezio, trying to understand his heritage.[src]
    Mario throwing Ezio a sword after having come to his rescue.
    Vatsa1708Added by Vatsa1708
    Now the most wanted man in Florence, Ezio fled the city with his mother and sister in the hopes of making their way to Spain, stopping beforehand at the Auditore family's villa in Monteriggionifor shelter. During their travel to Monteriggioni, the three were accosted by Vieri de' Pazzi and his followers, but were saved by the timely arrival of Ezio's uncle, Mario Auditore, and hismercenaries. Mario informed Ezio of the existence of the Assassins, in an obvious attempt to induct him into the Order, revealing that many of his ancestors, including Giovanni, were part of it. However, Ezio refused his ancestry, wishing only to continue his journey to Spain to ensure his mother and sister's safety, along with the new skills he possessed. Enraged, Mario left Monteriggioni for the city of San Gimignano, where Vieri de' Pazzi had been located, in the attempt to relieve Monteriggioni of continual assaults by his minions. Guilt-ridden and knowing his presence was a primary reason for the ongoing attacks, Ezio traveled to San Gimignano to accept Mario's offer.[1]
    Ezio killing Vieri.
    Vatsa1708Added by Vatsa1708
    When Ezio arrived outside the city, he joined Mario and his mercenaries in their assault, waiting until nightfall to make their way to Vieri de' Pazzi by killing guards patrolling near the city gates. After witnessing a brief meeting between Rodrigo Borgia, Jacopo de' Pazzi,Francesco de' Pazzi and Vieri, Ezio made for his foe; while Mario and his mercenaries kept Vieri's thugs distracted, Ezio challenged and fought Vieri for the last time, eventually overpowering and killing him after a brief duel. Ezio tried to extract a confession from his old enemy, though Vieri chose to be snide even to the very end. Infuriated by this, Ezio flew into a rage and insulted Vieri's corpse, continuing until his uncle calmed him down and reminded him of a tradition of the Assassins: showing respect to those they have killed.[1]

    Pazzi ConspiracyEdit

    "I've been sent from Firenze by Il Magnifico to attend to some unfinished business; I'm looking for Jacopo de' Pazzi."
    ―Ezio, upon returning from Florence after dealing with Francesco de' Pazzi.[src]
    Following Vieri's death, Ezio returned to Florence in 1478 to gather information on a conspiracy against the Medicifamily. However, Ezio visited Cristina before he carried out this mission. Cristina was surprised to see Ezio and confessed she was to be married, as she thought she would never see Ezio again. Suddenly a woman screamed from outside that a man named Manfredo was in trouble with several gamblers. Ezio asked who Manfredo was and Cristina confessed it was her fiancé. Ezio ran off and found Manfredo in a fight with several gamblers he was in debt too. Killing off the gamblers, Ezio, enraged by Manfredo's actions, demanded Manfredo to be a good husband to Cristina or he would will him. Ezio met Cristina in a alleyway afterwards. Kissing her, Ezio left, telling her Manfredo would be a good husband.[5]
    Ezio later had Leonardo construct him a second hidden blade and with information provided by Leonardo, was able to find La Volpe, hoping he could help Ezio uncover more about the Templar conspiracy against the Medici. La Volpe directed Ezio to a underground catacomb where a Templar meeting was being help. Ezio was subsequently able to find the underground meeting and discover the Pazzi planned to kill the Medici at the Duomo and place their own people in government, under orders from their master, Rodrigo Borgia.[1]
    Lorenzo requests Ezio's aid.
    Vatsa1708Added by Vatsa1708
    The next day Ezio arrived at the Duomo to try and prevent the public assassination, though was unsuccessful. Francesco de' Pazzi, along with Bernardo Baroncelli, were able to kill Guilani de' Medici and injure Lorenzo. Ezio came to Lorenzo's aid and fended off Francesco. However, the Pazzi had already succeeded in their plan and brought the city into a state of civil war. After escorting Lorenzo to safety at his palazzo, Ezio told Lorenzo his name, to which Lorenzo explained he knew Ezio's father.[1]
    Ezio learned from Lorenzo's lieutenant Poliziano the location of Francesco de' Pazzi at the Piazza della Signoria. As Pazzi and Medici troops battled in the streets below them, Ezio chased down and slew Francesco, although Jacopo de' Pazzi and several other conspirators were able to escape the city. Shortly afterward, Ezio met up with Lorenzo at the Ponte Vecchio. Lorenzo explained that as a child he fell into the river, drowning, though he was saved by Giovanni Auditore, hence starting a friendship between the Auditore and the Medici families. When Ezio asked of the conspirators, Lorenzo explained they fled. With this the Medici publicly cleared the name of the Auditore family and provided Ezio with the names of the conspirators who had escaped.[1]
    Ezio apprehended by Borgia guards.
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    Learning that the Pazzi conspirators had fled to San Gimignano, after gaining information from Mario, Ezio tracked down and killedAntonio MaffeiStefano da BagnoneBernardo Baroncelli andFrancesco Salviati, extracting from each man information on Jacopo de' Pazzi's whereabouts. Using the information, Ezio located his quarry and tracked Jacopo to an Roman ancient theater. Once there, Ezio eavesdropped on a meeting between Jacopo, Rodrigo Borgia and a Venetian merchant and Templar,Emilio Barbarigo.[1]
    After fatally wounding Jacopo for his failure to capture Florence, Borgia revealed that he was aware of Ezio's presence. While Borgia and Emilio fled, Ezio was apprehended by Borgia's bodyguards, but he overpowered and killed them, before swiftly putting the dying Jacopo out of his misery.[1]

    Hunt in VeniceEdit

    Carlo Grimaldi: "It's the Assassin you should be worried about!"
    Emilio Barbarigo: "Why? Is... Is he in Venezia?"
    ―Carlo Grimaldi and Emilio Barbarigo discuss Ezio minutes before the latter's assassination.[src]
    Ezio meeting Leonardo in the Appennine Mountains.
    Vatsa1708Added by Vatsa1708
    With the Pazzi conspiracy ended, Ezio returned to Lorenzo in 1480 and declared his success. Before leaving the city for Venice, Ezio was granted a gift; a Medici cape, that would keep the city guards' attention from him. Ezio then made his way to Leonardo's workshop, only to find that he had just left for Venice himself. Meeting with Leonardo in the Appennine Mountains, Ezio first saw Leonardo's flying machine. Accompanying him to the city of Forlì, Ezio narrowly avoided the attacking Templar horsemen and archers Rodrigo Borgia sent after them. Drawing closer to their destination, Ezio left Leonardo to proceed on his own while he took care off the remaining Templars. Ezio made his way into the region of Romagna and met Leonardo just outside the city of Forlì.[1]
    Eventually arriving in Forlì, the two made their way to the city docks, where Ezio was refused passage without a pass. Behind them, the two heard the screams of a noble lady stranded in the city's wetlands. Ezio swiftly hastened to her rescue and was able to row the woman ashore. The lady introduced herself as Caterina Sforzaand coerced the dockman into granting Ezio passage to Venice.
    Once in Venice, Ezio and Leonardo were given a brief tour of the city by Alvise before Ezio began to seek a way into the Palazzo of Emilio Barbarigo, although this effort proved to be in vain. Suddenly pushed aside, Ezio watched as a gang of thieves attempted and failed to breach the Palazzo, leading Ezio to subsequently aid the thief Rosa, who had been shot through the leg with an arrow. After successfully escaping the city guards, Ezio was introduced to the leader of the Venetian Thieves Guild, Antonio, and together, they concocted a new plot to kill Emilio Barbarigo and liberate the merchant district.[1]

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