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Jumat, 27 Januari 2012

Ezio Auditore da Firenze part 8

Romantic lifeEdit

"A minute is all I need! [...] Wait... that came out wrong."
―Ezio to Cristina Vespucci, 1476.[src]
Ezio was known for his good looks, flirtatious nature and predisposition for womanizing.[1][3][4] Though the latter part of his life was centered around his hunt for Rodrigo Borgia, Ezio shared multiple romantic relationships with a number of different women.[4]
Ezio and Cristina kissing in her room.
ZwooooooshAdded by Zwoooooosh
By 1476, Ezio had had many encounters with various unnamed Florentine girls and courtesans before the execution of his family, insulting Vieri de' Pazzi by suggesting that his sister seemed quite satisfied with the "handling" he gave her earlier. That year, Ezio was in a permanent relationship of sorts with Cristina Vespucci, against the wishes of her father. Following his street brawl with Vieri de' Pazzi on the Ponte Vecchio, Ezio visited Cristina during the night, despite his brother's request otherwise; he was chased out by her father the next morning, and subsequently had to flee the city guards.[1] Two years later, when Ezio returned to Florence, Cristina was married to one of her suitors, Manfredo d'Arzenta, though she admitted to still loving Ezio.[4] Eight years later, when Cristina and Manfredo traveled to Venice for Carnevale, Ezio, posing as her husband, wrote to her asking her to come to the Rio Terra degli Ogniscanti; to which Cristina complied. As both wore Carnevale masks, she did not recognize him until he kissed her. She then removed his mask and asked him how he dared kiss her like that, telling him she never wanted to see him again. When Ezio tried to understand, she explained that if he really loved her, he wouldn't simply have let Manfredo marry her. When Ezio returned to Florence again in 1497, he learned from a wounded Manfredo that he and Cristina had been attacked by Savonarola's men. Ezio tracked down Cristina and killed her assailants. As he proceeded to take Cristina to a doctor, she died in his arms, after telling him that she wished that they could have had a second chance together.[4] Ezio wrote years later that he felt something "withered" in him after her death.[14]
Ezio helping Caterina onto the gondola.
Vatsa1708Added by Vatsa1708
Before meeting with Cristina during Carnevale, whilst trying to find a way to Venice, Ezio accompanied his friend, Leonardo da Vinci, to Forlì. He was initially refused passage aboard the ship to Venice, but his fortunes changed after encountering Caterina Sforza, who had become stranded on a small island with no means of escape. Ezio rescued her, and she repaid the favor by granting him passage to Venice. She also told him that the next time he returned to Forlì, it would "be her pleasure" to entertain him. Moments later, after Ezio revealed to his close friend that Sforza was a future conquest and his type of woman, Leonardo informed Ezio of the ladies' identity and that she was married to the Count of the city.[1]
Also, at some point during his time in Forlì, Ezio encountered a girl named Amelia. During this encounter, Amelia and two of her friends were discussing whether anyone could beat their record in a horseback riding race. Ezio took on the challenge in return for a 'private riding lesson' with Amelia should he prove successful.[1]
Ezio flirting with Rosa.
Crimson PsycheAdded by Crimson Psyche
When Ezio arrived in Venice for the first time, an unknown young woman attempted to pickpocket him. Later the same day, Ezio witnessed the woman and a group of thieves attempting to scale the Palazzo della Seta. The attempt ended in failure, and the girl was shot in the leg by an archer. Ezio intervened, defending her from Emilio Barbarigo's thugs. Upon helping her to get to safety, he learned that her name was Rosa, and that she was a member of the city's Thieves Guild. At first, Rosa's attitude towards Ezio was very aggressive and unfriendly, but after he saved her, she became much more amiable.[1]
While trying to acquire the Golden Mask, Ezio was seen flirting with many of Sister Teodora's courtesans. After the Carnevale challenges, when Ezio went up to accept the Golden Mask as his prize for victory, he was accompanied by a courtesan. After assassinating Marco Barbarigo and seeking sanctuary in the brothel, Ezio flirted with Sister Teodora, who invited several of her girls to "comfort" Ezio.[1]
Ezio and Caterina Sforza together in bed.
Vatsa1708Added by Vatsa1708
Since their first meeting in Forlì, Ezio's feelings for Caterina Sforza developed, and in January 1500, Ezio had an intimate encounter with her, sleeping with her in the Villa Auditore before it wasbesieged by Cesare Borgia and his army.[5]
After her capture, Ezio sank into a state of near depression, where his feelings for Caterina conflicted with his suspicion she was merely using him. Despite this suspicion, Ezio was determined to rescue her from the Castel Sant'Angelo, disregarding the insistence of Machiavelli that Cesare and Rodrigo Borgia be the focus of his attention.[9]
During their escape she hesitantly explained to him that the night they had shared had only been in the name of politics, as she had needed his help in defending Forlì. Ezio continued to hope that his feelings for Caterina were reciprocated, though she soon informed him otherwise. Despite his subsequent decision to no longer pursue Sforza's affections, the two remained close allies for the sake of the Brotherhood.[9]
Ezio and Sofia Sartor.
Vatsa1708Added by Vatsa1708
While on a ship arriving at Constantinople, Ezio briefly saw Sofia Sartor, who was traveling from Rhodes and returning to her bookstore. He attempted to talk to her, but she was too distracted to pay attention to him. Later, Ezio met Sofia again at her store while searching for the Maysaf keys. The two worked out a bargain: if she helped Ezio track down the keys, he would retrieve and give her some of the books the Polos has hid.
In an attempt to keep Sofia away from the Assassin and Templar fight, Ezio kept Sofia in the dark about the purpose of his search, and attempted to keep his relationship with her platonic. However, as time went on Ezio grew to admire Sofia more, and would often linger at her shop to be with her. Sofia also came to love Ezio, asking him to be her escort to Adrianopoli (which Ezio had to reluctantly decline due to his search). She also arranged a picnic for the two of them in a park near Hagia Sophia.
When Ezio left Constantinople to assassinate Manuel Palaiologos, he asked Yusuf Tazim to keep Sofia safe. However, Prince Ahmet (the Templar leader in Constantinople), knowing of their relationship, dispatched a group of soldiers to kidnap her. While Yusuf managed to kill many of the soldiers, it wasn't enough. Yusuf was killed, and Sofia was captured. Upon learning this, Ezio went into a rage and attacked the Arsenal. He eventually submitted to Ahmet's demands, and the two worked together to recover the Maysaf keys from Ahmet. The two eventually traveled to Altaïr's library in May 1512. Once Ezio decided to retire as an Assassin, the two left Maysaf, got married, and moved to a Villa outside Firenze. Their marriage produced two children—Flavia (b. 1513) and Marcello (b 1514). By 1524, Ezio's health was deteriorating, and he eventually died of a heart attack in Firenze. In his final letter to Sofia, he commented that the love he had for Sofia and their children was what kept him going in his old age.[15]


Assassin's Creed II
  • The names Ezio and Altaïr have similar meanings and origins. Altaïr means "the flying one," while Ezio means "eagle." Altaïr also comes from the name of the brightest star in the constellation Aquila (which also translates to "eagle").
  • Ezio's Animus database in Assassin's Creed II only details his life before he became an Assassin, holding no information on his life within the Order; unlike his database entry in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.
  • Throughout the game, Ezio will remove his hood during cutscenes only if he is wearing his father's Assassin robes.
  • Just like Altaïr and Desmond, Ezio has a scar on his mouth. It was acquired after the mission "Boys Will Be Boys" during Sequence 1, when Vieri de' Pazzi threw a rock at his face.
  • Ezio has been seriously injured in battle twice in ACII. The first was when Checco Orsi stabbed him in the right side of his lower abdomen during the Battle of Forlì. The second injury was received when Rodrigo Borgia stabbed him in the left side of his abdomen during the Confrontation in the Vatican.
  • If the player chooses to play Sequence 13 before Sequence 12 by clearing the DLC cache, Ezio's beard will disappear until the player kills Checco Orsi.
  • In a very rare glitch, after completing the blending mission for Paola, Ezio's hood will appear down when it is supposed to be up. This shows that the character model for Ezio is the same as Desmond.
Assassin's Creed II: Discovery
  • Ezio's title was misspelled, his biography lists him as "Ezio Auditore de Firenze" instead of "Ezio Auditoreda Firenze."
  • Despite taking place after the Battle of Forlì, Ezio is depicted without a beard.
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
  • Although Ezio received the Assassin's mark on his left hand's ring finger when being inducted into the Order, it is gone in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.
  • It is revealed that Ezio can speak some French, as there were "a couple of French girls in Firenze."
    • During his infiltration of the Baron de Valois' camp, Ezio is demanded by a guard (due to his peculiar French accent) what part of France he is from. He replies with "Montréal", which is a reference toUbisoft Montreal, the company responsible for the Assassin's Creed series.
  • The only time you can play Ezio shirtless is when fighting in the Fight Club.
  • In art for Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Ezio is shown with two identical bracers for his hidden blades; however, in-game, it is not possible to obtain a bracer for Ezio's right arm that matches the first one.
  • Also, Ezio is shown with only the left Seusenhofer pauldron, while the other is missing. It is not possible to manage Ezio's pauldrons in such a way in-game.
  • In the Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood novel, Ezio loses all his Codex inventions (the pistol, the poison blade, and the second hidden blade) during the Villa attack; but in the game, Ezio only loses the Armor of Altaïr, metal cestus and the second hidden blade.
  • Interestingly in-game, Ezio does say to Leonardo that he lost all of his Codex inventions, even though only the second hidden blade and metal cestus are lost.
  • Ezio is able to perform a climb leap before the Villa Attack, but requires the Climb Leap Glove from Leonardo subsequent to being injured.
  • Ezio has been injured once more in battle—two gunshot wounds from arquebusiers, which he sustained in the left shoulder and back at the siege of Monteriggioni.
Assassin's Creed: The Secret Crusade
  • Ezio briefly appears in the novel Assassin's Creed: The Secret Crusade. At the beginning of the book, he is seen standing on the deck of the ship to Constantinople, before returning to his quarters to read Niccolo Polo's journal La crociata segreto. At the very end of the story, he finishes reading Niccolò Polo's journaland arrives in Constantinople, setting up the fourth novel.
Assassin's Creed: Revelations
  • Ezio does not wear a cape on his left shoulder like he does in the previous installments, though he does use a full-length cloak during his time in Cappadocia. He had a cape before he was captured by the Templars at Masyaf, though he never replaced it after he escaped.
  • Assassin's Creed: Revelations is the only installment in which Ezio wears an outfit where the default appearance of his robes is not white.
  • Ezio's broken second hidden blade can still be seen if the player activates them casually.
  • Throughout Sequence One, Ezio was able to preform climb-leaps despite not equipped with a metal cestus or hookblade.
  • Ezio may sometimes use Turkish terms when speaking to citizens, contacts and his apprentices.
  • Ezio wrote letters to his sister about his adventures and discoveries during his journey.
  • It is learned that Ezio had an extreme dislike for minstrels.
  • It is revealed that Ezio had some experience in playing the lute when he was younger.
    • When singing at the party, he often mentioned several notable people from his past. This included Cesare, Lucrezia, and Rodrigo Borgia, Vieri de' Pazzi, Duccio, and Caterina Sforza.
    • It is also learned that Ezio's knowledge in the Turkish language was somewhat lacking, commenting that it was "absurd", and that his Greek was "nonexistent."
  • Darby McDevitt, lead writer of Assassin's Creed: Revelations, said that it is possible that during Ezio's life he could have had children without him even knowing so. [citation needed] Regardless, an Abstergo's dossierstates Desmond is descended from Flavia.
  • Ezio's outfit can be unlocked in Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands, via Uplay for 30 points.
  • A Sackboy version of Ezio's outfit from Assassin's Creed II and Assassin's Creed: Revelations can be purchased for LittleBigPlanet via the PlayStation Store.
  • In PlayStation Home, Ezio's Assassin robes from Assassin's Creed II is an outfit that can be bought.
    Ezio, as he appears in the Michaelcommercial.
    War ClownAdded by War Clown
  • Neca has manufactured highly detailed figures of Ezio. The white edition includes Ezio in his default robes with two hidden blades, though only the right arm one is removable. The black edition includes Ezio with a single hidden blade, his robes dyed in the Wetlands Ebony fashion, and the Missaglias armor. Later, they fashioned a figure that resembles Ezio in his default robes in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, though it was never included in any game version, and can only be bought separately.
  • On the Xbox 360, it is possible to purchase Ezio's Robes from Assassin's Creed IIAssassin's Creed: Brotherhood, and Assassin's Creed: Revelations as Avatar Outfits for 400 Microsoft points each.
  • It has been confirmed by writer Darby McDevitt that Ezio and Altaïr are not related but come from two different sides of Desmond's family, yet they do share the same face with minor differences, when Ezio is at a younger age.
  • Ezio Auditore was featured in the Spike Video Game Awards of 2010 as part of his nomination for Character of the Year. When he was mentioned among the nominees, he addressed the crowd about his nomination, and how they should be cautious about the Templars.[18]
    • Another animation was made in case he won, and was shown during the end credits of the show due to another winner being declared. Holding the Spike trophy, Ezio was named Best Dressed Assassin. Ezio thanks the crowd and his associates during his time in Rome, and dedicates the award to Mario Auditore.[19]
  • Ezio was also featured in the "Michael" live action commercial, part of the Long Live Play advertisement of Sony. There, he gives tribute to the gamer Michael for playing his part when "the Templars murdered his family", then chanting Michael's name in unison with the rest of the characters.[20]
  • Ezio is set to appear in the fighting game Soulcalibur V as a guest fighter. He wears his Brotherhood robes, and uses all weapons at his disposal in said game.
    • In his SoulCalibur V appearance, Ezio is seen wearing identical hidden blade bracers, similar to pre-release images of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.
    • Ezio's Soulcalibur V concept art is taken from a promotional picture for Assassin's Creed: Brotherhoodfeaturing Ezio attacking Cesare Borgia.
    • Ezio's official Soulcalibur V render is likewise taken from his stance on the cover of Assassin's Creed II.
    • Ezio shares the same voice actor, Roger Craig Smith, with one of the series' main characters, Siegfried Schtauffen.
    • You can read his story in the Soul Calibur world here.
  • Ezio appears in a short TV ad for Assassin's Creed: Revelations, along with athletes Adrian PetersonBJ Penn, and Derrick Rose, from the NFL, UFC, and NBA respectively. Ezio is shown last, putting on his hood.
    • During Ezio's interval, it states that he has done 90, 793 hits.
  • Ezio's Revelations outfit can be worn by Noel Kreiss in Final Fantasy XIII-2.[21]
  • Toby Turner (Tobuscus) made a literal for an Assassins Creed: Revelations ad in Ireland

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